DMBA has been good to me, but I am getting bored with it. I have worked there for almost 4 years, and need some sort of a challenge to keep me interested. I will go through periods of real engagement, and then through periods of really needing some sort of motivation. I keep hoping for an opening in another division, that is also a move up the corporate ladder, but with the way the economy is right now, no one is moving. I am trying to stay at DMBA at least until I am fully vested (5 years), but will take something if the opportunity is right.
Kristen - oh my goodness, she is doing great
and looking great. She is still working at the University Infusion Center, and loves having weekends off (except once every few months). She is being super supportive with me in all of my schooling and work. She is also teaching Piano Lessons to about 6 people I think it is. She enjoys the challenge of that very much. Kristen is loving the summer, and spending time with Luke and Jack. She is always laughing and bringing joy to the family, we wouldn't make it without her.
Luke -
he is almost 4 years old, and has really developed into a GREAT big brother. He is a little singer, often making up words to his own little songs (on occasion he has even sang Jack bed time stories). He has also really became a great baseball player. We went out and bought him a Fat Bat, and when I pitch him balls, he hits them far over my head. Another of Lukes funny things is that he is a dancer (Kristen took a Zumba class at her Gym, and wasn't able to do one of the moves, but Luke has no problem with it).
"The Demon Drooler": This boy can drool with the best of them. When holding him in your arms so that he is on his stomach, he will drool so much that your arm will be covered and dripping drool all over your pants, shoes and floor (for a pictorial example scroll up to the first picrute in this post). The term comes from a Qubo Cartoon, Jacob Two-Two (One of Kristens Favorites).
"Jack Attack": this name was given to him by Uncle Mitch. No real reason other than it rhymes. "Jackanator": This nickname comes from Kristens dad. From my knowledge, he calls all of the kids by their name with "anator" at the end. Luke has even said with pride, "my name is Luke, except when I am at Papas house, then I am the Lukanator".
There are other nicknames, but I can't think of them right this moment, I hate it when that happens.
Anyway, I hope that this update has been to your satisfaction. Sorry it has been so long since we have filled you in on the 4 Norths. I will try to be more consistant as time goes on.
Thanks for the update! You have a cute family.
I had no idea your family had a blog. Love it! Now... how about another update? :)
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